
HORUS Virtual Range Simulator (VRS)



Horus is breaking new ground in the world of virtual small arms trainers. The HoVR VRS is a comprehensive long-range dry fire simulator. Our proprietary VR software integrates the Horus ATRAG ballistic calculator, a custom rifle controller, and HTC Vive Pro Hardware to deliver a small, portable, and cost effective range.

With the HoVR VRS kit users can recreate any weapon system and physical environment to practice target engagement. Shooters can practice basic and advanced marksmanship techniques from holding elevation and windage to engaging moving targets in wind. The VRS kit is small and portable allowing for sustainment training to take place anywhere between live fire evolutions.


  • Over 10 training modules
  • Recreate your own gun
  • Shoot in any atmospheric condition
  • ATRAG Ballistic Calculator
  • Moving Targets
  • Custom Range Builder
  • Stored in (1) 1730 Pelican case
  • Small footprint 8’ x 8’
  • Portable
  • Advanced Reticle (TREMOR3, TREMOR5, H59 …)
  • Visual feed back
  • Tailored Training